Seminar Kepemimpinan

Tanggal 11-12 Agustus 2015 STT Aletheia Lawang mengadakan Seminar Kepemimpinan dengan tema “LEADERSHIP IN MINISTRY”. Seminar tersebut diikuti oleh lebih dari 150 orang termasuk mahasiswa STT Aletheia Lawang.Seminar dipimpin oleh Rev. Julius Ted Medenblik (President Calvin Theological Seminary-USA) dan diterjemahkan oleh Pdt. Amos Winarto Oei, Ph.D.

Dalam pengantarnya Rev. J.T.Medenblik mengatakan bahwa Effective leaders understand that culture operates most powerfully when it is least visible.  Consider the image that culture is like the ocean.  The power of the ocean is not in the six-foot weaves on top of the water; it is in the massive movement of water underneath the waves. 

The point here is that effective leaders understand that culture, visible or invisible, functions in powerful ways in any group and must be taken into account as leadership decisions are made.

Effective leaders also understand that virtually all ministry is cross-cultural.  The cross-cultural nature of ministry and the corresponding need for cultural sensitivity in leadership is most obvious when different races, ethnic groups, nations, regions and socioeconomic classes gather. 

Effective leaders also understand that every congregation and social structure is different from another; and leadership must adapt to the various stages of development and life in that particular church or social structure.  For example, what worked in one church may not work in another.

Effective leadership is best understood not by focusing upon personality traits, but upon the relationship between the leader and those being led.  Focusing upon the situation and the relationship shifts the question from “What are the traits of good leaders?” to “What factors are present in situations where effective leadership is taking place?” and “What do relationships look like in situations where effective leadership is taking place?”

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